Based Business With Parker McCumber
Business commentary and coaching based in rational thought and logic. Drawing on a foundation in business and military leadership, Parker McCumber shares perspective and insights that are beneficial for anyone interested in business, finance, and wealth. This podcast features co-hosts and interviews that bring a spectrum of knowledge and insight that adds real value for listeners. Occasionally discussing politics, social media, investing, family life, and more! About your host: Parker McCumber is a 2-Comma Club and 2-Comma Club X Award recipient who has been active in online business since 2017. Parker Holds an M.B.A. and is a commissioned officer in the Utah Army National Guard. Parker has served in the military since 2011, and draws on his military experience and his business experience to develop and enhance best practices for his partners, his clients, and himself. Parker is also a car enthusiast, enjoys trading in the stock market, investing in real estate, and investing in luxury goods.
Based Business With Parker McCumber
Based Business Ep. 2: The Most Important Quality For an Entrepreneur to Have
Parker answers the question "What's the most important quality for an entrepreneur to have?"
*Spoiler alert*
In this episode, Parker talks about why discipline is important for an entrepreneur and how it can be developed through persistence.
Parker also shares his 5 step method for building and developing habits of discipline.
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